20th Anniversary – the day after


In 1994, we ran into another of life’s challenges, his name was Morgan Christopher Mullen.   Mo was born 10/10/1994.  Angel and I spent a few months looking for a fancy place to live and decided on a duplex in Tosa to raise our child.  She was pursuing her college degree and I was working at NM.  Morgan was a wonderful child, as long as you weren’t trying to get him to eat peas or pasta.  As you can see below, he was loved by many of his relatives and yes we took him to Target as his first shopping spree and no, Angel did not want me to wear that outfit, but it looks pretty cool doesn’t it?


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20th Annivesary – the real thing


Happy Anniversary to my dearest Angel.  I was going to get you a Hallmark card, but decided to try writing it myself instead…


It all started with a stare across the room, her beautiful smile, her freckled cheeks, her lips singing a song.

We were different, like the North and the South, but the same, like a sort of grunge, neo classical, messed up alternative  rock band.

We took a walk on the beach, the water glistening in the moonlight and the wind blowing her hair.  We talked all night.

Something happened that night, hours slipped away, I just wanted to hold her forever, but forever just wasn’t right.

We kissed goodbye and took our separate ways, but we couldn’t stay apart.

The words in her letters were like poetry.  The late night calls were heaven.  The weekend visits seemed like hours.

I’m not sure how many times we ran into roadblocks, but somehow, our relationship would never end.

Yes, we (well mostly I) made mistakes and we built up our bond layer upon layer.

Our feelings grew stronger when we were apart, we were soulmates living on different shores.

We were in love, but that couldn’t be.  I wasn’t ready.  It couldn’t work,  I told her.

She assured me time and time again it would never end and it didn’t.

My wife was right, we are forever in love.

Tom and Angel are a tangle.




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20th Anniversary Week – Day 2, Angel’s stories

Tom and Angel 1991
Tom and Angel 1991

Angel 1-13-2007 5-00-17 PM 1034x1306

In May 1991, I found a friend that was willing to venture to Alabama with me to visit Angel for a weekend.  We took my Dodge Charger, which apparently had a bad head gasket and we had to dump anti-freeze in every couple hours on the way down.  It was a great weekend and resulted in the pictures above.

Afterwards, we had more phone calls.  I found out that Angel was a Rocky Horror fan…fanatic!  Here she is as Magenta.



I also found out she had the lead in Pygmalion…Angel 1-13-2007 4-31-56 PM 1328x841Angel 1-13-2007 4-32-44 PM 855x1276

Angel 1-14-2007 2-47-48 PM 1048x1533Angel 1-14-2007 11-53-59 AM 1160x805

I got to meet up with Becky again.  I made lasagna that weekend and she informed me that I was going to marry Angel…that prediction was a couple years early but it was true.

Angel 1-14-2007 2-56-02 PM 1176x1789

Angel Sequin Prom Dress
Angel Sequin Prom Dress

After a few months, Angel got comfortable calling me…her voice late at night could be a little raspy and my room mate always said she sounded like she had a DJ voice.  Then I find out…she was a DJ at the University of Alabama!

DJ Angel
DJ Angel

Angel’s family is small, relative to the Mullen clan.  Her Mom was a dear woman with a lot of heart.  Obviously Angel has a lot of her Mom in her as she is the sweetest person I know.

JoAnn and Angel at graduation
JoAnn and Angel at graduation

Both of Angel’s sisters are wonderful people.  They are full of emotion and thoughtful in their daily life, giving whenever they can.  In 1992, Angel moved to Wisconsin.  After spending the night at her Mom’s we ventured North.  In Chicago, I passed a snowplow…probably not the smartest thing I’ve ever done, but I was confident I had an Angel on my shoulder.  Angel was given the priviledge of moving in above Riverside Drugs.

Park and Murray - Milwaukee
Park and Murray – Milwaukee

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Angel’s first few months involved getting a job at Boston Store.  I’ll never forget her holiday party that year when she got up and sang Rudolph the Red Nosed reindeer.  I couldn’t believe how she could just take the stage like that.  Angel’s family, especially her Mom and sisters were close to her.  After moving in we would spend time talking to each of them.

Mireille Glamour shot
Mireille Glamour shot


In 1992 we ventured to visit Bama again, this time to visit Angel’s sister and her niece and nephew.  This picture shows how Angel did start to influence my fashion to where I was feeling pretty cool.

March 1992
March 1992


Angel 1-13-2007 5-00-37 PM 994x1514

Angel sent me her headshot in 1991, I still have it in my office.

Angel Headshot Portrait
Angel Headshot Portrait

Angel’s Mom passed away in November of 1992 after being struck by a car.  We tried to get there in time to talk to her, but the Lord decided it was her time.  Angel and I spent a week in Alabama and I felt good to be there by her side the whole time.


20th Anniversary Week – The story

IMG_2838Angel and Tom

So you are probably all wondering how it all happened.  I mean, we’ll have to abbreviate 20 years of bliss, plus a few years of “courting”, but I think you will enjoy…

March 1991, Angel and I both happen to be in Spinaker’s in Panama City Florida.  She’s wearing a cool top from the Limited and I’m wearing a fantastic Bodeans T-shirt.  The band is playing…you guessed it, the Violent Femmes.  Thank god for that because I knew most every word since they are from Milwaukee.  We both noticed the lead singer messed up the lyrics and talked for awhile.   Then she had to roll, so I told her where we were staying and said to call me.  Next day, she called…there might be some alcohol involved in the rest of the story.  Needless to say, we had a pretty good time.  I got to meet Angel’s roommate, Becky, along with her Mom and Dad.  My friends had a great time hanging out, we enjoyed some leftovers and crashed at their place.  I also ran into Becky, literally, with my Dodge Charger.  Luckily no one got hurt and there was minimal damage.

Angel at the beach
Angel at the beach



Angel 1-13-2007 5-18-17 PM 1488x1034The last night in Panama she and I spent walking the beach.  We definitely felt a strong connection.  We headed our separate ways, I remember we must have dumped half a bottle of Eternity in the back of my car, funny how powerful smells can be.  I think I got the first letter the day after I got home.  Shortly after that, Angel and I spent hours on the phone talking, usually after bar close, about everything.

I told her about my keen fashion sense…


Tom and Kate Summer 1986
Tom and Kate Summer 1986

How I could ski…

We tried to make sure Andreas felt at home ... Skiing Little Switzerland (only 130m vertical)
We tried to make sure Andreas felt at home … Skiing Little Switzerland (only 130m vertical)

How I had a cool bike…





And my cool fashionable hair from the Sun-in days.scan0044-1

This is the cool BoDeans shirt I was wearing.    scan0008-2  FH000086 I knew how to drive heavy machinery and army trucks…FH000084  FH000040

Angel’s story tomorrow…